Sunday, November 9, 2008


So I have started a podcast. Knits Up? I apologize in advance for the audio quality. The technical staff (me) will be working on improving that aspect of the podcast. See below for a list of links to things, websites, and people I mention in the show.

Me on

Lion Brand Diagonal Baby Blanket

Cast On

Lime and Violet

Knitmore Girls

Yarn Harlot

Wendy Knits

Knit and Tonic

The Panopticon

Lightbox - My version

Reader's Digest Complete Guide to Needlework

Elizabeth Zimmerman and Meg Swansen

Big Knits (Dawn French)

Knitted Tams (Mary Rowe)

1 comment:

Jasmin said...


The link to your podcast is... troubled. Take a peek and send me the resolved link!